Socialization, Traffic Distribution and E-Commerce Trends: An Interpretation of the “Pinduoduo” Phenomenon*

Wang Xintian (王昕天)1 and Wang Xiangdong (汪向东)2
Business School, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China
Center of Informatization, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China

Abstract: The article takes China’s e-commerce as the research object. Starting from the macro level of e-commerce development and taking the rapid rise of“Pinduoduo”as an example, it discusses the“traffic dilemma” and its influence in the traditional e-commerce platform. This discovers the internal mechanism of mobile e-commerce to solve the problem of traffic distribution mechanism by socialization. After that, this study compares the difference between traditional e-commerce and social-commerce systematically, and concludes that traditional e-commerce platform is a necessary process of the development of social-commerce. Socialization is an important trend of the development of traditional e-commerce and social-commerce will promote the realization of C2B model.

Keywords: mobile e-commerce, community, social-commerce, social network
JEL Classification Codes: M21
DOI: 1 0.19602/j .chinaeconomist.2019.11.04


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